Welcome To Prompted 2 Write

I have always loved writing and taught it in my classes, no matter the grade. After retirement, I published several books and began blogging. I love it, but there are days when I can't think of anything to write. When I taught writing to children, I always gave them a writing prompt, making it easier for them. I hope to post writing prompts for all ages. This site will be helpful to homeschoolers as well a classroom teachers. It is for anyone who loves writing or anyone who is required to write. Please let me see some of your writing.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Right to Choose

Prompted 2 Write

Right to Choose


There have been many comments on the right to choose.  This morning, I saw several postings about choice on a social network. Let's look at our choices.

LE:  If I could choose what to eat, I'd choose...
UE:  My parents tell me that if you choose the behavior, you choose the consequence.  If I could choose my consequence, I'd choose...
MS:  At the moment, my parents tell me what time to come home.  They say it is a reasonable time.  If I could choose, I'd say a reasonable time to come home is....
HS:  We are old enough to make our own choices now.  I'd like to choose the type of high school I attend.  I'd choose....
A:  If I could choose my own work schedule, I'd choose...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dr. Seuss Writing


Dr. Seuss Writing

Product DetailsWell, could an imagination get any wilder than Dr. Seuss'?  He wrote about things we couldn't even dream about.  He was truly a writer that let his mind go where it wanted.  Out of that wondering mind came some great stories.  One of my favorites is called And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry StreetIn the story, a little boy with an imagination as big as Dr. Seuss, attempted to embellish the story of a plane old horse and wagon.  With every passing page, the boy added to his story.  Soon the old horse and wagon were an entire team of horses pulling a complete band along with a number of other things.  The boy did all this because he wanted to tell his dad what he saw on the way home from school.

Today let's be like Dr. Seuss.  Just let your mind run wild and see what you can write.  It doesn't have to make sense.  Come on--Stretch that imagination.

LE:  Please read And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street before giving the assignment. 
A bird lives in a tree outside my window.  Today as I watched him try to fly he turned into....

UE:  I was sitting in my bedroom, minding my own business when I heard a tremendous crash outside.  I ran to the window and saw.......

MS:  My dad told me I needed to start watching the news.  He said that if I couldn't tell him what the news reported tonight, I can't go to my friend's house this weekend.  So I watched the news.  It was boring.  I'll jazz it up for him.  Today in Peru...

HS:  Okay, I'll admit it. I have had a crush on _______ for a long time.  Today he/she spoke to me.  I could see him/her coming across the room.  The closer he/she got, the more gorgeous he/she became.  She/He looked like a movie star by the time he/she got to me.  And then it happened.  He/she opened her/his mouth and said...
A:  You will not believe what happened at work today.  My boss was angry because an order got messed up.  He started yelling and then his face....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Balanced Diet

Prompted 2 Write

Balanced Diet

We hear a lot about the importance of eating a balanced diet.  The definition of 'balanced diet' keeps changing.  If you could write the definition of 'balanced diet' what would it be?  Finish the writing prompts below.

LE:  I hate when my mom makes me eat broccoli.  If I could eat anything I wanted, I'd eat....
UE: We studied what to eat in school, but I think we should eat more....
MS:  I know we are supposed to eat five to nine servings of vegetables each day.  We should also add five -nine servings of...
HS:  The symbol for 'balanced diet' is a pyramid, with the most servings at the bottom and getting smaller as it goes up.  I think the symbol should be....
A:  I hate being told what to eat.  I would like to rearrange the pyramid to reflect...

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Flowers and Trees

View detailsWell it is getting close to springtime.  The trees and flowers are beginning to bloom.  (If you are still under snow, don't yell at me.  I live in Texas.  We don't often have snow.)  But we do have early springs with beautiful wildflowers and budding trees.  Today I'd like to give you some prompts about flowers and trees.
LE: I think the prettiest flower is...
UE: I would described a tree as....
MS:  My personality is best represented by the _____ tree because...
HS:  (Personification is the act of giving an inanimate object human characteristics.)  Use this definition to describe a flower or tree.  ie. My rose had bright red cheeks and a long slender neck which cascaded down to her lush green leaf colored dress.
A:  If I could be a flower or a tree, I'd be a _________.  We share some of the same charactistics such as.....